Subject Leader: Miss Muir
If you wish to learn more about our curriculum please contact the Subject Lead by clicking on their name above.
Key Stage 5
GCE Advanced Level Sociology
Exam Board: AQA
Level: 3
Course Overview
Sociology is the study of society and looks at how everyday experiences shape our lives. In particular, students will study patterns of behaviour within social groups and how social institutions can have an impact on behaviour. The focus of the course will be on UK issues, but there will also be a strong emphasis on societies and issues across the globe, for students to develop a critical awareness and respect for social diversity and social issues within society.
Assessment: 100% examination.
Curriculum Content
Key Stage 5 Curriculum Content
AQA Sociology: Year 12 – Paper 1, Paper 2:
Term 1:
Introduction to Sociological Theories – what does each sociological perspective bring to our understanding of society?
Paper 2: Families and Households:
- How do different theories explain the relationship between the family, social structures and social change?
- How have social policies had an impact on the family?
Term 2:
Paper 2: Families and Households:
- How have changing patterns in marriage, cohabitation, divorce and childbearing impacted on the family?
- What gender roles, domestic labour and power relationships exist within contemporary family life?
- What is the nature of childhood and changes in the status of children in the family?
Term 3:
Paper 2: Families and Households:
- How have demographic changes impacted on the family?
Paper 1: Education:
- What do theoretical perspectives argue about the roles and functions of education?
- What are different educational policies that have been introduced and the impact of them on students’ experiences?
Term 4:
Paper 1: Education:
- How has globalisation had an impact on the education system and educational policies?
- What are the relationships and processes within schools and the impact of these on schooling and pupils?
- What are the patterns and explanations of achievement for different social groups?
Term 5:
Paper 1: Research Methods / Methods in Context:
- What factors play a role in the choice of research and research method when studying topics?
- What are various ways in researching a topic - and what are strengths and weaknesses of these?
- What is the usefulness of various research methods in the context of education?
Term 6:
Paper 1 and 3: Theory and Methods:
- What are different sociological perspectives’ view on society and their usefulness?
- To what extent can and should sociology be a science?
- To what extent can and should sociology be value-free?
- In what ways has Sociology had an impact on social policy?
AQA Sociology: Year 13:
Term 1:
Paper 2: Media
- What is the use and significance of the new media?
- What are different sociological perspectives’ views on who owns and controls the media?
- What is the relationship between the media, globalisation and popular culture?
Term 2:
Paper 2: Media:
- What has an impact on the selection and presentation of the news?
- How are different social groups represented in contemporary media outlets?
- How does the media affect the audience?
Term 3:
Paper 3: Crime and Deviance:
- How do different sociological perspectives explain crime and deviance?
- How is crime and deviance measured?
- What are the patterns and explanations of offending for different social groups?
Term 4:
Paper 3: Crime and Deviance:
- How has globalisation had an impact on crime?
- What is the relationship between the media and crime?
- How can crime and deviance be controlled, prevented and punished?
Term 5:
- Topic consolidation and revision for final examinations
* 2024-2025: OCR A Level Sociology (Year 2) - Y13
Term 1:
Paper 2: Social Inequalities: Age
- What are the main patterns & trends in social inequality?
- How can the patterns & trends in social inequality & difference be explained?
Paper 3 - Crime and Deviance:
- How would you define and measure crime and deviance?
- How do theoretical perspectives explain crime and deviance?
Term 2:
Paper 2: Social Inequalities: Age
- How can the patterns & trends in social inequality & difference be explained?
Paper 3: Crime and Deviance:
- What are the patterns and trends in crime?
- What can be done to tackle crime and deviance?
Term 3:
Paper 3 - Globalisation and Digital Communication:
- How are globalisation and digital communication connected?
- How have the digital forms of communication affected the world?
Term 4:
Paper 1 Consolidation: Media:
- How are different social groups represented in the media?
- How do sociological theories view the media?
- How does the media influence you?
Paper 1 Consolidation: Culture, identity and socialisation:
- What is culture?
- How influential are the agents of socialisation?
- What makes your identity?
- Which type of identity is most important to you?
- What evidence is there to suggest that identities are changing?
Term 5:
- Topic consolidation and revision for final examinations
Useful Information
Out of School Learning (OSL) and Extra-Curricular Activities
A Level revision will take place lunch times and after school throughout the year.
Suggested Revision Guides and Books
AQA Sociology: Sociology for AQA Volume 1: AS and 1st-Year A Level, 5th Edition written by Ken Browne
Sociology for AQA Volume 2: 2nd-Year A Level, 3rd Edition, written by Ken Browne
AQA A Level Sociology Student Book 1 (Collins AQA A Level Sociology) by Steve Chapman
AQA A Level Sociology Student Book 2 (Collins AQA A Level Sociology) by Steve Chapman
OCR Sociology: Sociology A level for OCR book 1 Written by K.Roberts, P.Taylor, S. Brisbane, N. Ali, S. Chapman, J. Jacobs-Roth (Hodder Education)
Sociology student guide A level year 1: Researching and understanding inequalities written by S. Chapman (Hodder Education)
Sociology A level for OCR book 2: Written by K.Roberts, P.Taylor, S. Brisbane, L. Pountney (Hodder Education)
OCR A level sociology: my revision notes written by S. Chapman (Hodder Education)