School Ethos
The Westlands RADAR, SMSC and British Values
At Westlands, our school values underpin our teaching and learning ethos. The RADAR values are emphasised within all aspects of our curriculum, be that within the pastoral support systems, Radar Values and Curriculum lessons or within the expression and development of everyday relationships. RADAR Values, created in partnership with pupil and parent voice, form the focus of our lessons, where we provide a supportive environment in which students can develop life skills and both form, challenge and express their aspirations and life aims. RADAR Values lessons are designed not only to emotionally support but to promote development of those social, moral, cultural and spiritual (SMSC) qualities which will allow our students to thrive. They offer opportunities to explore and debate local, national and global ethical issues, through which we aim to engender a sense of honesty, kindness, fairness, responsibility and respect for self and others. In so doing, Westlands actively seeks to prepare students for adult life beyond the academic, technical or vocational curriculum, promoting the British values of democracy and the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
At Westlands the Schemes of Learning offered by both pastoral and academic curricula converge to offer those opportunities which aim to allow students space and time to both define and promote the core values we believe support the development of thoughtful and cognisant individuals whose conscience is influenced by social, moral, cultural and spiritual values (SMSC). The document entitled "SMSC at Westlands" outlines the qualities nurtured within the wider curriculum at Westlands. This can be found in the attachment list below.
In Heads of Department, each department has a SMSC representative who is responsible for ensuring that elements of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of their subjects are visible to students as they study.
The information in the attachments below describes how each of the programmes of learning within each subject contribute to the development of SMSC values across the curriculum.
As the curriculum is reviewed, we will update this document regarding department practice within the key areas of SMSC and the core values of Westlands.