Ofsted last visited the school in February 2019. During the course of the inspection, the team of five inspectors observed pupils’ learning in 55 lessons, scrutinised a wide sample of pupils’ books, met with leaders from within the school and Swale Academies Trust, held meetings with teachers and support staff, discussed the school with pupils of all age ranges, and reviewed a mountain of documentation, including questionnaires and surveys.
The overall judgement awarded to the school was ‘Good’ and we were pleased that every area (Leadership and Management; Teaching, Learning and Assessment; Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare; Outcomes) was judged as ‘Good’. We were delighted that the report recognises some of the fantastic aspects and distinctive features of the school. These included the ‘passion and determination’ of leaders, our ‘harmonious environment’, effective safeguarding to enable pupils to feel ‘safe and secure’, the ‘rich curriculum’ and the ‘good progress’ made by pupils. Furthermore, that our RADAR values are upheld, recognising pupils’ conduct as polite, respectful, happy and caring.
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