Modern Foreign Languages
Subject Leader: Mrs E Rivière-Price
If you wish to learn more about our curriculum please contact the Subject Lead by clicking on their name above.
Pupils study French and Spanish in KS3 on a carousel basis.
Key Stage 3 French and Spanish
Key Stage 4 French
GCSE French
Exam Board: AQA
Course Overview
GCSE French helps pupils develop their language skills in a variety of contexts and gives a broad understanding of the culture of countries and communities where French is spoken. It encourages enjoyment of language learning and the recognition that language skills enable pupils to take their place in a multilingual global society.
Pupils study the specification from the beginning of Year 10. It requires them to develop their ability to write and speak in French and to understand French when it is written down or spoken. This qualification counts towards the English Baccalaureate. Pupils study the following themes on which the assessments are based. 1: Identity and culture. 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest. 3: Current and future study and employment.
Equal weighting for all four skills - Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Assessment: 100% examination to be assessed in the final year of the course.
Curriculum Content:
Year 7 French
Term 1: Moi et les autres : How do you pronounce key sounds in French?Qu’est-ce que tu as? Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle a? ( What do you have? What does he/she have?)
Term 2: Moi et les autres:Qui suis-je ( who am I?) Tu es comment? Il/elle est comment? ( what do you look like? What does he/she look like?)
Term 3: Moi et les autres: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes? Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle aime? ( what do you like? what does he/she like?)
Year 7 Spanish
Term 1: How do you pronounce key sounds in Spanish? ¿Cómo soy? (What am I like?) ¿Qué tengo? (What do I have?)
Term 2: ¿Qué me gusta hacer en mi tiempo libre? (What do I like to do in my free time?)
Term 3: -¿Cómo es mi insti? (What is my school like?) ¿Qué hago en el insti? (What do I do at school?)
Year 8 French
Term 1: How do you pronounce key sounds in French?Qui es-tu? ( who are you?) Oú habites-tu? ( where do you live?)
Term 2: Comment est ta région? (what does your area look like?) Quel temps fait-il? ( What’s the weather like?)Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances? ( what did you do during your holiday?)
Term 3: Où vas-tu aller en vacances et que vas-tu faire? ( where are you going to go on holiday and what are you going to do?)Quelles sont tes vacances idéales?( what are your ideal holidays?)
Year 8 Spanish
Term 1: How do you pronounce key sounds in Spanish? ¿Cómo soy? (What am I like?) ¿Qué tengo? (What do I have?)
Term 2: ¿Qué me gusta hacer en mi tiempo libre? (What do I like to do in my free time?)
Term 3: -¿Cómo es mi insti? (What is my school like?) ¿Qué hago en el insti? (What do I do at school?)
Year 9 French
Term 1: comment est ton collège? ( what is my school like?)
term 2- comment est ton collège? ( what is my school like?)
Term 3- où habites-tu? ( where do I live?) Que fais-tu dans ta region? ( what do I do in my area?)
Term 4- Que fais-tu dans ta région? ( what do I do in my area?) Que fais-tu en vacances? ( what do I do on holiday?)
Term 5-Que fais-tu en vacances? ( what do I do on holiday?)
Term 6-Quels sont tes vacances idéales? ( what are my ideal holidays?)
Year 9 Spanish
Term 1: How do you pronounce key sounds in Spanish? ¿Cómo soy? (What am I like?) ¿Qué tengo? (What do I have?)
Term 2: ¿Qué me gusta hacer en mi tiempo libre? (What do I like to do in my free time?)
Term 3: ¿Cómo es mi insti? (What is my school like?) ¿Qué hago en el insti? (What do I do at school?)
Term 4: ¿Cómo es mi familia? (What is my family like?)
Term 5: ¿Dónde vivo? (Where do I live?)
Term 6: ¿Qué me gusta comer? (What do I like to live?)
Year 10 French
Term 1: que fais-tu pendant ton temps libre? ( what do I do during my free time?)
Term 2: que fais-tu pendant ton temps libre? ( what do I do during my free time?) Comment est ton collège? ( what is your school like?)
Term 3: Comment est ton collège? ( what is your school like?)
Term 4: que veux-tu faire après le collège ? ( what do I want to do after school?) Quels sont tes projets pour l’avenir? ( what are your projects for the future?)
Term 5: comment est ta famille? ( what is my family like?)
Term 6: que fais-tu normalement pour célébrer Noël, Pâques ou ton anniversaire? ( what do I usually do to celebrate christmas, easier or your birthday?)
Year 11 French
Term 1: Comment est ton collège? ( what is my school like?)
Term 2:comment est ton college?( what is your school like?)
Term 3: Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire après des examens de GCSE? ( what do I want to do after your GCSE exams?) Dans quel secteur voudrais-tu travailler? ( in which area would I like to work?)
Term 4: qu’est-ce que tu as fait pour aider les autres? ( what did you do to help others?) Que fais-tu pour l’environnement? ( what do I do for the environment?) Speaking Preparation
Term 5: Revision /Exam preparation
Useful Information
Out of School Learning (OSL) and Extracurricular Activities:
- GCSE OSL runs after school from 3.05pm-4pm.
- KS3 French club every Monday lunchtime with Miss Rousell in L12
- KS4 French club every Thursday with Mrs Rivière-Price in L13
- KS3 Spanish club every Tuesday lunchtime with Mrs Chainey in L14