Subject Leader: Miss J Sanford
If you wish to learn more about our curriculum please contact the Subject Lead by clicking on their name above.
Key Stage 4
Computer Science GCSE
Exam Board: Edexcel
Course Overview
Pupils will study two papers. Computer Science recognises the well-established methodologies of computing, alongside technological advances. Pupils will use Python 3.0 programming language for paper 2. In order to become proficient computer scientists, it is essential that students have knowledge and understanding of the field’s fundamental principles and concepts.
Paper 1: Principles of Computer Science. Written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes 50% of the qualification 75 marks Content overview
This paper will assess Topics 1 to 5.
● Topic 1: Computational thinking – understanding of what algorithms are, what they are used for and how they work; ability to follow, amend and write algorithms; ability to construct truth tables.
● Topic 2: Data – understanding of binary, data representation, data storage and compression.
● Topic 3: Computers – understanding of hardware and software components of computer systems and characteristics of programming languages.
● Topic 4: Networks – understanding of computer networks and network security.
● Topic 5: Issues and impact – awareness of emerging trends in computing technologies, and the impact of computing on individuals, society and the environment, including ethical, legal and ownership issues. Assessment overview This paper consists of five compulsory questions, each one focused on one of the topic areas. The questions consist of multiple-choice, short-, medium- and extended-open response, tabular and diagrammatic items.
Paper 2: Application of Computational Thinking. On Screen examination: 2 hours 50% of the qualification 75 marks Content overview
This paper will assess Topic 6: Problem solving with programming. The main focus of this paper is:
● understanding what algorithms are, what they are used for and how they work in relation to creating programs
● understanding how to decompose and analyse problems
● ability to read, write, refine and evaluate programs. Assessment overview This practical paper requires students to design, write, test and refine programs in order to solve problems. Students will complete this assessment onscreen using their Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of choice.
Key Stage 5
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology
Exam Board: Edexcel
Level: 3
Course Overview
This is a two year course designed for learners who are interested in an introduction to the study of creating IT systems to manage and share information, alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in IT.
Assessment: 4 units of which 3 are mandatory and 2 are external. Mandatory content (83%). External assessment (58%).
● Unit 1: Information Technology Systems. Learners study the role of computer systems and the implications of their use in personal and professional situations. Written examination set and marked by Pearson. 90 marks. Two hours.
● Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information. Learners study the design, creation, testing and evaluation of a relational database system to manage information. A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions. The supervised assessment period is ten hours arranged over a number of sessions in a week assessment period timetabled by Pearson. Completed using a computer and submitted electronically. 66 marks.
● Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business. Learners explore how businesses use social media to promote their products and services. Learners also implement social media activities in a business to meet requirements.
● Unit 6: Website Development. Learners investigate website development principles. They will design and develop a website using scripting languages.
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Computing
Exam Board: Edexcel
Level: 3
Course Overview
This is a two year course designed to support learners who are interested in learning about the computing sector alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in the computing sector. It is designed to be taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels.
Assessment: 4 units of which 3 are mandatory and 2 are external. Mandatory content (83%). External assessment (58%).
● Unit 1: Principles of Computer Science. This unit covers the principles that underpin all areas of computer science. It will develop your computational-thinking skills and you will apply those skills to solve problems.. Written examination set and marked by Pearson. 90 marks. Two hours.
● Unit 2: Fundamentals of Computer Systems. Learners study the fundamental principles of how computer systems work, including the role of hardware and software, the way components of a system work together and how data in a system is used. A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions. Written examination set and marked by Pearson. 80 marks. 1 hour and 45 minutes.
● Unit 7: Learners will study IT system security threats and the methods used to protect against them. Learners undertake activities to protect IT systems from security threats, including data encryption.
● Unit 11: Digital graphics and animation. Learners will study the principles, processes and implications of using digital formats to produce and process graphics and animation to meet identified requirements
Curriculum Content
Key Stage 3 - Year 7
What are the risks associated with computer use and how can I ensure I use systems safely?
What are the components that make a PC and how do they work?
How are algorithms used in our lives and by computers?
How do I make a computer do what I want it to?
How creative can I be with computer software?
How can we make data and information safe from hackers?
Key Stage 3 - Year 8
What are the components that make a PC and how do they communicate?
How does a computer represent data and information?
How reliable is information on the internet?
How does a PC share and transmit data from one device to another?
How can I create programs for a given purpose?
Why are people concerned about AI and how it is used
Key Stage 3 - Year 9
Why do some jobs and careers need specific hardware in their computer systems ?
Why do we need to identify requirements before writing programs?
Why does computer hardware use binary and logic?
How can we help others as well as ourselves, stay safe online?
Why is the target audience so important when creating resources?
Useful Information
Useful Websites