
Subject Leader: Mr A Hill

Year 7-8 Mathematics Coordinator: Mr S Shah
Year 9-11 Mathematics Coordinator: Mr M Willis
Key Stage 5 Mathematics Leader: Mr J Marzetti

If you wish to learn more about our curriculum please contact one of the leaders above by clicking on their name.

Key Stage 4

GCSE Mathematics

Exam Board: OCR
Level: 2

Course Overview

Syllabus: OCR (9-1) Mathematics
Learners will study topics as described in the appropriate level scheme of work.

Foundation tier - Grades 5 to 1
Higher tier - Grades 9 to 3

Functional elements of mathematics are assessed through three examination papers each are 1 hour and 30 minutes in duration. Of the three examination papers, two of the papers will be calculator papers.
The course encourages students to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards, mathematics and to recognise the importance of mathematics in their own lives and to society. The GCSE mathematics curriculum allows learners to:

  • Develop knowledge, skill and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts, including; number, algebra, geometry, measures, statistics, and probability.

  • Use their knowledge and understanding to make connections between mathematical concepts.

  • Be able to apply the functional elements of mathematics to solve problems in real-life situations.

  • Acquire and use problem-solving strategies.

  • Select and apply mathematical techniques and methods in mathematical, every day and real-world situations.

  • Reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions.

  • Interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

Assessment: 100% examination.

GCSE Statistics

Exam Board: Edexcel
Level: 2

Course Overview

Syllabus: Edexcel Linear GCSE in Statistics
Assessed through two written papers.

Learners will study topics as described in the appropriate level scheme of work.

Foundation tier - Grades 5 to 1
Higher tier - Grades 9 to 3

Overview of Examination assessment:

Pupils will take two written papers, each lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. Both papers will assess understanding of statistical methods and probability. Pupils will also be expected to analyse statistical tables, written evidence and diagrams.

The skills candidates learn will help them with their GCSE Mathematics. The course will also benefit candidates studying other subjects where data is used heavily, such as science, business and geography.

Assessment: 100% examination (paper 1 50%, paper 2 50%)

Key Stage 5

GCSE Mathematics (Re-take)

Exam Board: OCR
Level: 2

Course Overview: 
Pupils study a range of topics which include, number, algebra, shape, space and measures and handling data at the Foundation level. Grades awarded are 5 to 1. There are opportunities to take the examination in November or June.  

Assessment: 100% examination

A Level Mathematics

Exam Board: Edexcel

Course Overview

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to:

  • Understand mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence, fosters enjoyment and provides a strong foundation for progress to further study.

  • Extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques.

  • Apply mathematics in other fields of study and be aware of the relevance of mathematics to the world of work and to situations in society in general.

  • Use their mathematical knowledge to make logical and reasoned decisions in solving problems both within pure mathematics and in a variety of contexts, and communicate the mathematical rationale for these decisions clearly.

  • Construct mathematical proofs.

  • Read and comprehend mathematical arguments, including justifications of methods and formulae, and communicate their understanding.

  • Use technology such as calculators and computers effectively and recognise when their use may be inappropriate.

  • Make increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluation of their own mathematical development.

The new specification linear course consists of 67% Pure Mathematics and 33% Applied Mathematics. Pure Mathematics topics include proof, algebra and functions, coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane, sequences and series, trigonometry, exponentials and logarithms, differentiation, integration, numerical methods and vectors. The Applied Mathematics topics include statistical sampling, data presentation and interpretation, probability, statistical distributions, statistical hypothesis testing, quantities and units in mechanics, kinematics, forces and Newton’s laws and moments.

Pupils are usually entered for AS Mathematics at the end of Year 12, before commencing with the Year 2 course content.

Assessment: 100% external examination (Paper 1 & 2 Pure [67%], Paper 3 Statistics and Mechanics [33%]).

Curriculum Content

Year 7

Term 1

  • Can you identify, continue and represent linear and non-linear sequences graphically?
  • Can you represent expressions as a function machine and vice-versa? Can you substitute values into two-step expressions?
  • How can you use fact families and bar models to solve problems?

Term 2

  • Can you compare and order any numbers up to one billion?
  • Can you convert between simple fractions, decimals and percentages?
  • How can you use fact families and bar models to solve problems?

Term 3

  • Can multiply and divide with decimals?
  • Can you evaluate simple algebraic expressions with directed numbers?
  • Can you solve problems with ratios?

Term 4

  • Can you find common denominators using the LCM?
  • Can you use bar modelling to represent a variety of ratio scenarios?

Term 5

  • How do you construct different types of triangles?
  • Can you apply and use the sum of angles in a triangle and a quadrilateral?

Term 6

  • How can you derive other facts using your current knowledge of number facts?
  • Can you show how to use intersection and union of sets?

Year 8

Term 1

  • Can you use bar modelling to solve ratio problems?
  • Do you understand how to use a multiplier?
  • Can you use the signs < and > correctly?

Term 2

  • Can you multiply and divide with fractions?
  • Are you able to represent data in a variety of ways?

Term 3

  • Can you find the nth term of a sequence?
  • Are you able to solve worded problems involving fractions and percentages?
  • Can you identify prime numbers, square numbers, triangle numbers, etc?

Term 4

  • Do you understand how to simplify indices?
  • Why do we use standard form?
  • What is a line of symmetry, and what is rotational symmetry?

Term 5

  • Can you identify missing angles in parallel lines?
  • Can you explain the formula for area of a trapezium?
  • What is the data cycle?

Term 6

  • Can you use the data cycle in an investigation?
  • Can you convert between the different units of measure?

Year 9

Term 1

  • Can you explain why anything to the power of zero is equal to one?
  • How do you apply the LCM to real life situations?
  • Are you able to rearrange simple equations?
  • A shape has 2 pairs of parallel lines, opposite angles that are equal, order of rotational symmetry of 2 and no lines of symmetry. What is the shape?

Term 2

  • Can you solve mixed fraction, decimal and percentage problems?
  • Do you understand angles in parallel lines?
  • Can you calculate repeated percentage change?

Term 3

  • Can you estimate a calculation?
  • Can you solve problems involving ratio and proportion?
  • Are you able to solve inequalities and represent on a number line?

Term 4

  • Can you calculate with speed, distance and time?
  • Can you find the nth term of a sequence and solve sequence problems?
  • Can you draw multiple bearings?
  • What single transformation is the same as a reflection on the y-axis followed by a reflection on the x-axis?

Term 5

  • Calculate the gradient of the line between (3, 5) and (-1, 13).
  • Can you calculate the volume of different prisms?
  • It takes 4 people 6 days to decorate a hall. How many people will it take to decorate the hall in one day? What assumptions have you made?

Term 6

  • Do you understand when to use Pythagoras and when to use trigonometry?
  • Are you able to solve worded simultaneous equations problems?

Year 10

Term 1

  • Are you able to form and solve equations?
  • Can you solve worded fraction problems?
  • Can you explain why certain sampling methods might create bias?

Term 2

  • Can you apply your knowledge of angles in parallel lines to solve multi-step problems?
  • Can you justify the use of statistical diagrams for different situations?
  • Do you understand repeated percentage change?
  • If it takes 4 days for 2 people to paint a room, how many days will it take for 8 people to paint it?

Term 3

  • Statistics - Can you justify the use of statistical averages for different scenarios?
  • Why do we use standard form?
  • Can you make an estimation using probability?
  • Can you find an angle or a length using trigonometry?

Term 4

  • Can you find the volume and surface area of a cylinder?
  • Give two variables that might give a Spearman’s rank variable of 0.8.
  • Can you substitute into and rearrange a formula?

Term 5

  • Can you explain the advantages and disadvantages of statistical techniques? 

Term 6

  • Can you explain the advantages and disadvantages of statistical techniques and apply them in the right context? 

Year 11

Term 1

Foundation Tier:

  • Can you find the upper and lower bounds of a variety of numbers?
  • Do the lines y=3x+1 and 4x-2y+3=0 have the same gradients?
  • Can you solve problems involving volume of 3D shapes?

Higher Tier:

  • Can you problem solve with bounds?
  • Are the lines 4x-y-5=0 and x+4y+1=0 perpendicular?
  • Can you find the volume of spheres, pyramids, cones and frustums?

Term 2

Foundation Tier:

  • What is congruency?
  • Can you solve recipe problems?
  • Are you able to calculate speed, distance and time?

Higher Tier:

  • What are the 4 conditions of congruency?
  • Do you understand direct and inverse proportion?
  • Are you able to calculate mass, density and volume?
  • Can you simplify algebraic fractions?

Term 3

Foundation Tier:

  • Can you solve multi-step ratio problems?
  • Can you shade regions involving loci?
  • Can you approximate using standard form?

Higher Tier:

  • Can you solve more complex ratio problems?
  • Can you shade regions involving loci?
  • Do you understand compound growth and decay?
  • Are you able to use algebraic proof in a variety of problems?

Term 4, 5 and 6

  • All groups to work on gap analysis topics in preparation for the summer GCSE examinations.

Sixth Form Provision

A Level Mathematics, Year 12

Term 1

  • Can you manipulate a range of expressions and equations including those  involving indices, surds, fractions, logarithms and exponentials?
  • Can you interpret and transform graphical representations of equations and inequalities?
  • Can you interpret and transform graphical representations of equations and inequalities?


  • Can you justify, represent and interpret a range of statistical techniques, sampling methods and diagrams?
  • How can acceleration, forces and motion be used to explain and model contextual problems?    

Term 2

  • Can you interpret and transform graphical representations of equations and inequalities?
  • Can you manipulate a range of expressions, inequalities and equations including those involving indices, surds, fractions, logarithms and exponentials?
  • How can you use the Binomial expansion to solve problems?
  • Can you solve a range of problems involving trigonometrical ratios, equations and identities?


  • Can you justify, represent and interpret a range of statistical techniques, sampling methods and diagrams?

Term 3

  • Can you solve a range of problems involving trigonometrical ratios, equations and identities?
  • How does calculus allow interpretation of graphs and equations?


  • How can acceleration, forces and motion be used to explain and model contextual problems?

Term 4

  • How does calculus allow interpretation of graphs and equations?
  • Can you manipulate a range of expressions and equations including those involving indices, surds, fractions, logarithms and exponentials?


  • How can regression, probability, hypothesis testing and statistical distributions be used to explain contextual problems?

Term 5

  • Can you apply your knowledge of magnitude and direction of vectors to solve geometrical problems?


  • How can acceleration, forces and motion be used to explain and model contextual problems?

Term 6

  • Can you confidently use algebraic methods to solve and interpret a wider, more complex range of problems in a variety of contexts?  
  • How can you develop and apply your knowledge of graphical representation to interpret more complex functions and graphical transformations?
  • How can the binomial expansion, sequences and series be used to solve, estimate and interpret a range of problems?


  • How can moments, forces, friction, kinematics and projectiles be used to explain and model contextual problems?

A Level Mathematics, Year 13

Term 1


  • How can the binomial expansion, sequences and series be used to solve, estimate and interpret a range of problems?
  • Can you solve more complex problems involving trigonometrical ratios, equations and identities?


  • How can moments, forces, friction, kinematics and projectiles be used to  explain and model contextual problems?

Term 2


  • Can you solve more complex problems involving trigonometrical ratios, equations and identities?
  • Can you confidently use algebraic methods to solve and interpret a wider, more complex range of problems in a variety of contexts?
  • How does calculus allow interpretation of graphs and more complex equations and functions?


  • Can you set up, test and interpret hypotheses involving a range of parameters and contexts?
  • Can you interpret and calculate conditional probabilities?

Term 3


  • How does calculus allow interpretation of graphs and more complex equations and functions?


  • Can you set up, test and interpret hypotheses involving a range of parameters and contexts

Term 4


  • Can you confidently use algebraic methods to solve and interpret a wider, more complex range of problems in a variety of contexts ?
  • Can you apply your knowledge of magnitude and direction of vectors to solve 3D geometric problems?


  • How can moments, forces, friction, kinematics and projectiles be used to  explain and model contextual problems?

Term 5

Pure and Applied: 

  • Revision and practice papers.

Term 6

Pure and Applied: 

  • Revision and final examinations.

Useful Information

Out of School Learning (OSL) and Extra-Curricular Activities

  • GCSE OSL runs every Wednesday after school from 3pm-4pm.
  • Saturday / Half term OSL sessions are run regularly for Year 11 pupils. Dates are confirmed prior to each holiday or Saturday session.

Suggested Revision Guides and Books

CGP revision guides and course books are available at a discounted rate from the department. Corbett Maths revision cards are also available to purchase from the department.